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Suite 403
San Diego, CA 92108

The San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council’s Political Department works to increase legislative and political support for issues affecting working families.
The Labor Council reviews and recommends positions on propositions, and candidates running for elected office, advocating for worker’s legislative interests. At a time when workers are anxious about their economic security and corporations are making record profits, we encourage grassroots activism to provide information to working families and to ask them to act on that information by engaging their elected representatives as well as by informing other working families in their communities.
We are moving onto the General Cope Endorsement process beginning in March. Please see the steps below on how we will be proceeding.
1. For priority consideration for an interview, submit your questionnaire by Tuesday, February 27th, 2018.
-For those who have not yet filed candidacy and are pending the March 9th filing deadline, we will extend the submission until March 13th.
2. Candidates must attend a Labor 101 Training, review the dates below and RSVP with Fernanda Flores at fflores@unionyes.org to confirm your attendance.
-Monday, March 5th, 6-8pm: Labor 101 Training at IBEW 569 Hall, 4545 Viewridge Ave #100, San Diego, CA 92123
-Monday, March 12th, 6-8pm: Labor 101 Training at IBEW 569 Hall, 4545 Viewridge Ave #100, San Diego, CA 92123
3. Candidates will then be contacted and given a COPE Interview slot.
4. After review and approval of Executive Board and Delegates, we will send the official Endorsement Letters on Friday March 30th 2018.
For more information contact Fernanda Flores fflores@unionyes.org.

Contact us
3737 Camino del Rio SSuite 403
San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 228-8101